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What's the price difference between FBA headway air parcel and air freight?

FBA headway air parcel and air freight refer to different modes of transportation, each with its own characteristics.

Air Freight (International Express): International express typically handles small quantities of goods. Express companies are responsible for customs declaration in the country of origin and customs clearance in the destination country, including delivery to the recipient's address. However, destination country customs duties are not included in the service.

Air Parcel: Air parcel, also known as air plus parcel, generally deals with large quantities of goods. Freight forwarders arrange bookings with airlines, managing international transportation from airport to airport. After arrival, a designated agent handles customs clearance, duty payment, airport pick-up, warehouse entry, and distribution. Air parcel services usually include  "double clearance and tax" services.

When it comes to the prices of FBA headway air parcel and air freight to Amazon FBA in the United States:

FBA Air Plus Parcel: This involves using air transportation to the local area first, followed by local express delivery to the Amazon warehouse. It offers faster delivery times than direct express shipping but may be slightly slower than air express. Customs clearance is convenient, and the service typically includes 'double clearance and tax.' The cost is around 30 yuan per kilogram.

It's important to consider dimensional weight when choosing between express and air plus parcel. Express usually calculates dimensional weight per 5000, while air plus parcel calculates it per 6000, making air plus parcel slightly more cost-effective.

For those just starting with FBA, sending a smaller quantity of high-selling items via express or air plus parcel is recommended. As the volume increases, supplementing with sea freight can help reduce costs. However, for time-sensitive or seasonal products, express or air freight may still be the fastest options. For shipments over 20kg, express is a faster option, and sea freight be

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Email: liuxiaoxiao@tuoyuanlog.com

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